"44", // ID te jezikovne datoteke (ID.php) "lang_short" => "kk", // si - slovenian, en - english "language" => "Kazakh", // Translation texts "srv_survey_non_active" => 'Survey is closed.', "srv_survey_non_active_notStarted" => 'Survey is not active. Survey starts on: ', "srv_survey_non_active_expired" => 'Survey is not active. Survey expired on: ', "srv_survey_non_active_voteLimit" => 'Survey reached a maximum response count.', "srv_previewalert" => 'You are currently in survey preview mode! Answers will not be saved!', "srv_recognized" => 'You are answering this survey as', "srv_ranking_avaliable_categories" => 'Available categories', "srv_ranking_ranked_categories" => 'Ranked categories', "srv_add_field" => 'Add new field', "glasovanja_spol_izbira" => 'Choose sex', "glasovanja_spol_moski" => 'Male', "glasovanja_spol_zenska" => 'Female', "glasovanja_spol_zenske" => 'Female', "glasovanja_count" => 'Vote count', "glasovanja_time" => 'Voting is open from', "glasovanja_time_end" => 'to', "srv_potrdi" => 'Confirm', "srv_lastpage" => 'Last page', "srv_nextpage" => 'Next page', "srv_nextpage_uvod" => 'Next page', "srv_prevpage" => 'Previous page', "results" => 'Results', "hour_all" => 'All', "srv_intro" => 'Please take a few moments and complete this survey by clicking on Next page.', "srv_basecode" => 'Insert your password', "srv_end" => 'You have finished the survey. Thank you.', "srv_back_edit" => 'Back to editing', "srv_nextins" => 'Next insert', "srv_insend" => 'Finish', "srv_back_edit" => 'Back to editing', "srv_alert_msg" => 'has completed the survey', "srv_alert_subject" => 'Finished Survey', "srv_alert_number_exists" => 'Alert: the number already exists!', "srv_alert_number_toobig" => 'Alert: the number is too big!', "srv_forma_send" => 'Send', "srv_konec" => 'End', "srv_dropdown_select" => 'Select', "srv_remind_captcha_hard" => 'The code you entered is not the same as in the picture!', "srv_remind_captcha_soft" => 'The code you entered is not the same as in the picture! Do you want to continue?', "srv_remind_sum_hard" => 'You have exceeded the sum limit!', "srv_remind_sum_soft" => 'You have exceeded the sum limit. Do you want to proceed?', "srv_remind_num_hard" => 'You have exceeded the number limit!', "srv_remind_num_soft" => 'You have exceeded the number limit. Do you want to proceed?', "srv_remind_hard" => 'Please answer all mandatory questions!', "srv_remind_soft" => 'You have not answered all mandatory questions. Do you want to proceed?', "srv_remind_hard_-99" => 'Please answer all mandatory questions! Now you also have option Don\'t know.', "srv_remind_soft_-99" => 'You have not answered all mandatory questions. Now you also have option Don\'t know. Do you want to proceed?', "srv_remind_hard_-98" => 'Please answer all mandatory questions! Now you also have option Refused.', "srv_remind_soft_-98" => 'You have not answered all mandatory questions. Now you also have option Refused. Do you want to proceed?', "srv_remind_hard_-97" => 'Please answer all mandatory questions! Now you also have option Not applicable.', "srv_remind_soft_-97" => 'You have not answered all mandatory questions. Now you also have option Not applicable. Do you want to proceed?', "srv_remind_hard_multi" => 'Please answer all mandatory questions! Now you also have additional options available.', "srv_remind_soft_multi" => 'You have not answered all mandatory questions. Now you also have additional options available. Do you want to proceed?', "srv_remind_email_hard" => 'The email you entered is not valid!', "srv_remind_email_soft" => 'The email you entered is not valid! Do you want to continue?', "srv_question_respondent_comment" => 'Your comment on the question', "srv_continue_later" => 'Continue later', "srv_continue_later_txt" => 'You can continue with this survey later by saving this URL', "srv_continue_later_email" => 'We suggest you send this URL link to your e-mail', 'srv_wrongcode' => 'Wrong code', "user_bye_textA" => 'You have successfully unsubscribed from receiving invitations to the survey.', "srv_survey_deleted" => 'Survey was deleted.', "srv_survey_non_active_notActivated" => 'Survey was not activated yet.', "srv_survey_non_active_notActivated1" => 'Survey was not activated yet.', ); include(dirname(__FILE__).'/2.php'); // povozimo angleski jezik s prevodi foreach ($lang_add AS $key => $val) { $lang[$key] = $val; } ?>